
Gilera Surfer 50 1998 original spare parts catalog

OEM parts for Gilera Surfer 50

Version: Surfer

Year: 1998

VIN: VTBC08000

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Gilera Surfer 50 1998 original spare parts catalog

Version: Surfer

Year: 1998

VIN: VTBC08000

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Gilera Surfer 50 1998 exploded views

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Starting Shaft Gilera Starting Shaft 942739 kick starter lever 306926 spacer (rubber) 018553 screw (m6x25) 320097 shoulder 006415 seeger 006416 seeger 942156 shoulder 9420434 starting gear 324339 plate 330383 shoulder 942143 gasket 942117 screw 942045 spacer 942303 spring 316105 spring 9420444 sliding pinion 006714 o-ring 9420424 starting shaft 3511160001 needle bearing 3511160002 needle bearing Starting Shaft
Crankcase Gilera Crankcase 942228 gasket 319436 nut 319437 washer 331234 joint 9421425 breather pipe 485703 washer 031114 screw 432474 lamellar group 4321375 carburettor union 018553 screw (m6x25) 319027 washer 013777 washer 326032 washer 319276 screw 319005 screw 942321 plate 006975 washer (spring) 031056 screw 951640 crankcase assy 942239 stud bolt 942014 pin 338191 joint 432172 bypass tube CM002901 clamp 433880 high pressure pipe CM002904 clamp Crankcase
Crankshaft Gilera Crankshaft 501042 bearing, outer drive pully 501041 needle bearing 501043 needle bearing 501044 needle bearing 942072 washer (thrust) 9422824 crankshaft 000267 woodruff key 435363 bearing 942369 oil seal 942123 washer (thrust) 942127 washer (thrust) 942120 washer (thrust) 942122 washer (thrust) 942124 washer (thrust) 942125 washer (thrust) 942126 washer (thrust) 942370 oil seal Crankshaft
Carburettor Gilera Carburettor 813138 carburettor 813184 gasket set 813183 gas valve 813169 float chamber 813173 carburetor, float assy 247653 spring pin 813171 main jet 099315 fuel filter 433789 bracket 433574 spacer 813174 cap 020206 nut 813170 spark plug cap 813172 lever 806938 spring 709634 screw 813176 screw Carburettor
Engine Gilera Engine 813598 engine 813921 engine assy Engine
Water Pump Gilera Water Pump 316481 gasket 031084 screw 316208 screw 942161 clamp 942312 pipe 942162 clamp 432704 pump plunger cylinder 410833 shaft pin 319288 spring pin 942858 gasket 942309 water pump mechanical seal 829557 washer 942313 gear 942314 cup 410851 impeller Water Pump
Front Wheel Gilera Front Wheel 809494 wheel axle 810544 spacer 814425 rim (complete) 812585 hub, assy. 272155 bearing 809467 spacer 812155 wheel 810015 spoke 814172 nipple 809471 brake disc 809514 spacer 805410 nut 146705 flat washer 809511 screw 810511 nut 813333 guard 809493 inner tube 811816 tyre Front Wheel
Front Brake Gilera Front Brake 813753 brake caliper 812732 brake pads 003058 washer 812702 screw 812699 screw 265451 oil pipe screw m10x18 127927 washer gasket 812778 piping Front Brake
Rear Wheel Gilera Rear Wheel 809486 screw 812789 tie rod 020108 nut 031117 screw 016406 washer 016408 washer (spring) 031119 screw 812461 chain ring 319035 nut 809713 bearing 809505 spoke 809504 spoke 809472 spacer 272155 bearing 812797 wheel 813315 guard 811971 inner tube 438653 not available 809485 cotter pin 809484 spring 809480 brake jaw 005955 seeger 809507 spring 809502 lever 015341 nut 812678 disc 146705 flat washer 021112 nut 812460 chain 809509 pin 809453 lever 814172 nipple 812550 wheel 812676 brake drum 003058 washer Rear Wheel
Silencer Gilera Silencer 8135970029 guard 319383 screw 598920 screw 003058 washer 813977 exhaust 813588 exhaust 811135 spring 811545 o-ring 809340 sil.block 809339 washer 812125 clamp 942602 pipe 031124 screw 337807 spacer 326327 spacer (rubber) 020108 nut 813580 exhaust 016408 washer (spring) Silencer
Front Mudguard Gilera Front Mudguard 813640 front mudguard 013092 washer d6,2x20x1 809903 screw 031092 screw 810511 nut 016406 washer 813435 plate Front Mudguard
Frame Gilera Frame 813687 frame 319035 nut 8131055 frame 811137 screw 348744 bearing 812508 footrest 812509 footrest 030074 screw 012538 washer 811134 screw 942409 pad 942477 spacer 813673 swinging arm 942476 cup 031120 screw 811136 pin 031124 screw 942478 spacer 942410 pad 015578 screw (m10x45) 015235 nut 8128845 not available 811138 screw 016408 washer (spring) 003058 washer 812882 spring 8128801029 side stand 812829 spring 337881 sliding block 068499 screw 020105 nut 016626 washer Frame
Rear Mudguard Gilera Rear Mudguard 254485 clip nuts (m6) 942501 tyre 013092 washer d6,2x20x1 809903 screw 8131335 guard 016405 washer (spring) 020105 nut 812537 reflector 812690 screw 812259 mudguard rear 8131215 luggage rack 337443 casing 141590 pad 012533 washer Rear Mudguard
Fuel Tank Gilera Fuel Tank 811077 fuel tank 811506 fuel cap 811354 cock 810281 clamp 809930 pipe 319273 screw 324732 pad 141590 pad 809697 spacer 809903 screw 254485 clip nuts (m6) 013092 washer d6,2x20x1 006966 washer 031091 screw 099335 washer Fuel Tank
Flywheel Magneto Gilera Flywheel Magneto 9422075 gear 942210 shoulder 167016 needle bearing 006412 circlip 311163 o-ring 324188 washer 327261 cap 324148 neutral switch 319447 screw 003055 washer 951629 flywheel, assy. 319448 washer 016410 washer (spring) 942376 nut 030230 screw 006964 washer (spring) 319384 washer 294300 fairlead 410830 guard 319313 washer 951746 stator 951747 rotor 942226 plate 016405 washer (spring) Flywheel Magneto
Transmissions-switch-driving Mirror Gilera Transmissions-switch-driving Mirror 813059 throttle cable 814308 clutch cable 813150 switch 813946 switch 812588 driving mirror 813983 driving mirror 813982 driving mirror Transmissions-switch-driving Mirror
Electrical Devices Gilera Electrical Devices 813993 main wiring harness 813168 main wiring harness 951638 voltage regulator 016406 washer 030052 screw 145298 lock-strap l=180mm 257134 hose clamp 2932585 electronic ignition device 811349 h.t. cable 231571 insulating cap 825186 spark plug cap 809023 cap 031091 screw 020106 nut 813189 main wiring harness 813947 main wiring harness 813691 horn 808635 rivet Electrical Devices
Headlamps And Turn Signal Lamps Gilera Headlamps And Turn Signal Lamps 813649 guard 811277 headlight 102111 bulb 805144 spring 804270 lampholder 811131 guard 129953 bulb (12v 21/5w) 811617 glass 811552 taillight assy. 141590 pad 809697 spacer 810511 nut 012583 washer 811559 main wiring harness 812823 indicator 812824 indicator 709674 screw 013880 washer Headlamps And Turn Signal Lamps
Brake Pedal Gilera Brake Pedal 813734 brake pedal 146705 flat washer 015467 spring 003056 washer 003208 split pin 1,7x18 003054 washer 809707 transmission Brake Pedal
Front-wheel Suspension Gilera Front-wheel Suspension 813643 front fork 811582 clamp 813727 u-bolt 813728 trapezium 811556 nut 323820 guard 814241 washer 811301 cover 809635 nut 809711 washer 020108 nut 012538 washer 810238 screw 810176 clamp 003058 washer 030076 screw 030074 screw 813726 trapezium Front-wheel Suspension
Front-wheel Suspension Gilera Front-wheel Suspension 810079 clamp 811874 bellows 809719 guard 810072 seeger 810058 oil seal 813650 sleeve 813651 sleeve 810098 washer 812703 screw 030076 screw 003058 washer 319035 nut 810076 seeger 810066 pump assy. 811305 pipe 810071 cover 810063 seeger 810065 cover 810064 ring 809736 spacer 809725 spring 810062 spring Front-wheel Suspension
Rear Suspension Gilera Rear Suspension 811125 screw 146705 flat washer 809906 nut 813915 shock absorber Rear Suspension
Handlebars Component Parts Gilera Handlebars Component Parts 812528 pipe 812529 grip 813751 lever holder 812887 brake lever 812526 pipe 812527 grip 812745 lever holder 329418 register 327145 bellows 812914 speed.kms Handlebars Component Parts
Instrument Unit Gilera Instrument Unit 813994 not available 813645 dashboard 812582 speedometer cable 810166 speed.dr.p. 141590 pad 013092 washer d6,2x20x1 810511 nut 8139751 not available 813927 main wiring harness 813923 main wiring harness Instrument Unit
Clutch Unit Gilera Clutch Unit 9421814 thrust bearing 319439 screw 9426814 pin 942328 o-ring 319021 screw 319027 washer 9423304 lever 319448 washer 031089 screw 942211 plate 942035 plate 942290 clutch spring 015252 nut 942032 washer 942031 washer 9420245 clutch hub 942027 driving clutch disc 942028 driven clutch disc 942371 lock plate 9420235 pressure plate 942033 shoulder 9420534 primary gear pair assy 942326 rivet 942022 clutch drum 942204 primary gear pair 942253 spacer 319445 nut 000267 woodruff key 942150 o-ring Clutch Unit
Counter Shaft Gilera Counter Shaft 006628 snap ring 942206 cup 942725 plate 942138 seeger 319429 shoulder washer 434022 screw 432589 gear 1a 016408 washer (spring) 432590 gear 5a 432596 ring 942093 washer (thrust) 432584 driven shaft 432591 gear 3a 432592 gear 4a 434198 gear 6a 432594 gear 2a 0028005 bearing 177442 needle bearing 434065 oil seal 433845 spacer 434208 pinion 433843 belleville spring 434018 washer 006632 seeger 319431 washer 433864 sec. shaft assy Counter Shaft
Half Crankcase Covers Gilera Half Crankcase Covers 018553 screw (m6x25) 068283 screw 432619 clutch cover 322804 o-ring 942225 dipstick 319021 screw 319007 screw 9422244 ignition cover 020006 nut 942296 o-ring 319413 washer 319371 screw 942302 cover Half Crankcase Covers
Head-cylinder-piston Gilera Head-cylinder-piston 319437 washer 319436 nut 343682 spark plug 483395 thermostat 4321764 cylinder head 942134 o-ring 942857 cylinder head gasket 942636 stud bolt 942860 gasket 942861 gasket 942859 gasket 942862 gasket 239455 snap ring - piston pin 239404 piston pin 942130 piston ring 4332984001 piston 4332984002 piston 4332984003 piston 4332984004 piston 4339854 433985 cylinder kit 946608 washer 319572 screw 951705 screw 951706 washer Head-cylinder-piston
Air Cleaner Gilera Air Cleaner 942437 upper cower 942433 grid 942438 air filter 141590 pad 812248 lower cover 289690 clamp 942693 joint 810281 clamp 809930 pipe 942649 gasket 809903 screw 099335 washer 254485 clip nuts (m6) 813320 joint Air Cleaner
Main Shaft Gilera Main Shaft 241894 bearing 942095 plate 016405 washer (spring) 975805 8 - screw 435633 needle bearing 433863 primary shaft assy 432585 gear 5a 432595 washer 432596 ring 432588 gear 2a 432586 3rd-4th gear 434199 gear 6a Main Shaft
Radiator Gilera Radiator 814371 cover 343591 cover 942951 radiator - water cooler 942729 guard 321349 pad 942531 pipe 810281 clamp 810911 screw 013880 washer 810176 clamp 341499 bracket 006966 washer 341510 u-bolt 942530 pipe 812126 clamp 327483 clamp 811361 pipe 941120 tank 3283175 fuel cap 328311 gasket 329334 gasket 812488 pipe Radiator
Selector Drum Gilera Selector Drum 942827 roller 942828 roller 942286 gear stop plate 942829 washer 016405 washer (spring) 031061 screw 942308 spring 9422845 gear stop lever 316144 washer 006408 seeger 942008 spring 942295 selector 942114 spring 068060 shoulder 006409 ring 9421974 clutch fl. dipstick 3164214 fork 411025 shift cam 942237 oil seal 4326014 shaft pin 432597 fork 016406 washer 031092 screw 942575 spacer (rubber) 9425145 gear lever Selector Drum
Fairings Gilera Fairings 016406 washer 031088 screw 020106 nut 811771 maintenance 949088 not available 949089 not available 809903 screw 809697 spacer 141590 pad 254485 clip nuts (m6) 813647 fairing 813648 fairing 810083 screw 006966 washer 949042 guard 809904 screw 942487 guard 813642 sticker kit 812827 reflector Fairings
Passenger Footrest Gilera Passenger Footrest 965576 pin 006177 washer 003208 split pin 1,7x18 965507 footrest 9655085 footrest 965496 washer 965489 footrest 965502 spacer 031084 screw 965503 plate Passenger Footrest
Rear Fork Gilera Rear Fork 809345 pin 321954 oil seal 322367 bushing 8125035029 not available 330636 sliding block 811330 spacer 146705 flat washer 809933 nut 030057 screw 337881 sliding block 812810 chain guide 809511 screw 810511 nut Rear Fork
Saddle-tool Kit Gilera Saddle-tool Kit 813573 saddle assy 013092 washer d6,2x20x1 809903 screw 3246765 tool case 099335 washer 003056 washer CM179302 screw (m6x22) 601030 tools kit 810511 nut Saddle-tool Kit

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Looking for original spare parts for the Gilera Surfer 50 model from 1998? This catalog helps you easily find OEM parts for the Surfer. Whether you? Re maintaining or repairing your bike, you'll find all the parts you need for the Gilera Surfer 50 model right here.

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Our detailed technical drawings provide an in-depth view of your Gilera Surfer, allowing you to identify every component and part with ease. Whether you're maintaining a classic model or working on a newer version, these schematics are your ultimate guide.

Each drawing is carefully organized and linked to genuine OEM parts, ensuring a seamless connection between what you see and what you need. Navigate through clear diagrams and instantly find the part numbers and descriptions you require for repairs or maintenance.

  • High-quality technical drawings for every part of your Surfer.
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