
Gilera Runner 200 1998 original spare parts catalog

OEM parts for Gilera Runner 200

Version: Runner 200 VXR 4T

Year: 1998

VIN: ZAPM243000

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Gilera Runner 200 1998 original spare parts catalog

Version: Runner 200 VXR 4T

Year: 1998

VIN: ZAPM243000

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Gilera Runner 200 1998 exploded views

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Crankshaft Gilera Crankshaft 82898R oil seal 8411965001 crankshaft cpl. 8411965002 crankshaft cpl. cat2 832130 complete oil level dipstick 827085 gasket ring 825952 gasket ring 828297 washer Crankshaft
Cylinder-piston-wrist Pin, Assy Gilera Cylinder-piston-wrist Pin, Assy 875113 gasket - cylinder base (0,6 mm) 875114 gasket - cylinder base (0,8 mm) 875112 gasket - cylinder base (0,4 mm) 829529 piston pin 963486 seeger 484908 scraper ring 72x1 (72x1) 239397 stud bolt (m6) 8300530001 piston-wrist pin assy. 8300530002 piston-wrist pin assy. 843291 cylinder kit 830486 ring 72x1.5 (72x1.5) 843228 piston rings unit 486363 scraper ring 72x2,5 (72x2,5) Cylinder-piston-wrist Pin, Assy
Carburettor Gilera Carburettor 1A000352 screw (m6x22) B016579 intake manifold 484748 intake manifold CM128214 carburettor 494921 carburettor gasket set per carburatore walbro 1A000833 clamp 841695 air intake CM002916 clamp 828742 heater Carburettor
Carburettor Gilera Carburettor 826822 seeger 826821 washer 826843 gasket ring 826839 spring CM106401 adj.min.eng.speed screw CM129802 automatic starter cpl. 826778 screw (spec) 826824 screw 826825 spring 826812 carburetor, float assy CM115201 screw 826770 screw CM109809 float chamber 826811 pin CM147102 petrol needle 827856 lock CM105301 idle jet 34 CM105407 main jet 118 CM109808 float chamber cpl. CM109808 float chamber cpl. CM129701 carburettor diaphragm (walbro) CM106504 conical pin 826818 spring 826820 cup CM107902 valve gas return spring 827467 cover 826780 screw 826768 starter cap Carburettor
Driven Pulley Gilera Driven Pulley 82518R needle bearing 483226 gasket ring 82753R bearing 830580 fixed driven half pulley 1A013202 sec. fixed sheave, complete 828717 guide pin l=12,5 878649 sec. sliding sheave, complete 831027 adjustable pulley, half 431089 oil seal 430585 o-ring 4310935 cup 833674 cup 872877 spring 833673 spring 487936 clutch side cap CM1612035 clutch 433232 clutch nut 8440494 clutch bell 831028 pulley CM144133 secondary pulley 486324 nut 827877 spacer 274246 washer (22x12,1x19) 482305 fan Driven Pulley
Engine Gilera Engine CM1212135 engine CM1138055 engine 4975886 gasket set 497593 gasket set - engine Engine
Oil Filter Gilera Oil Filter 486075 washer gasket 483841 oil filter 285536 gasket - oil drain plug 826165 oil drain plug 1A024308R minimum oil pressure sensor 1A022356 oil filter 288474 o-ring 483776 screw Oil Filter
Rocker Levers Support Gilera Rocker Levers Support 484819 nut 82817R adjuster screw B0184845 rocker arm (ex) 8459345 camshaft 486343 rocker arms axis 877771 timing system gear 880650 decompressor counterweight 414838 screw 486974 spring 877309 camshaft plate 484123 screw 8291395 decompression counterweight 487832 washer 487833 gasket ring 880651 decompression bell 1A003053 screw B0184835 rocker arm (in) 831363 flat washer 434885 washer Rocker Levers Support
Air Filter Gilera Air Filter 871803 air filter box 8292580P air filter 829259 seal air filter box 258146 screw CM002910 clamp 018640 screw 012533 washer 003056 washer 260918 clamp 827939 air bellow CM001926 clamp 829543 air intake hose 254485 clip nuts (m6) 830057 bushing 652802 protection 830056 spacer 414838 screw Air Filter
Supply System Gilera Supply System 254485 clip nuts (m6) CM002205 fuel pipe CM002912 clamp CM002904 clamp 1R000160 breather pipe CM002901 clamp 1R000158 fuel hose (5 m) CM006105 fuel pipe 258904 damper 577871 fuel degaser 1R000160 breather pipe 577881 fuel tap CM179302 screw (m6x22) CM120903 fuel pump CM002907 clamp 709077 washer 828325 tee union CM001432 tank breather pipe Ø5x10 l.1060 (l=1060) 297378 ring 879888 clamp 196868 o-ring 270423 fuel filter 217280 spring Supply System
Rear Caliper Gilera Rear Caliper CM0683016 front brake caliper heng tong 497002 brake pads 598365 brake hose 015792 screw 709047 washer 597142 plate 969296 screw 563983 clamp 127927 washer gasket 265451 oil pipe screw m10x18 288245 nut Rear Caliper
Front Wheel Gilera Front Wheel 271740 nut 1C005023 kilometre counter movement socket 5644756 cover 563446 shaft 667152 screw 274706 washer 561714 brake disc 271748 spacer 564021 tyre 120/70-12" pirelli 270991 tubeless tyre valve 649910 wheel bearing 563410 spacer 56440600E1 wheel 56440600R7 wheel Front Wheel
Fork Gilera Fork 598242 front fork 601130 screw 497195 sleeve 598191 fork dust seal 598190 fork oil seal 598181 washer 494811 screw 497196 sleeve 497197 sleeve 598183 sterms bracket 598189 screw Fork
Rear Wheel Gilera Rear Wheel 56486500E1 wheel 56486500R7 wheel 635100 tool roll 564022 tyre 130/70-12" pirelli 597514 suspension arm 006966 washer 597198 hexagonal-head screw m6x16 56484R brake disc 597528 spacer 597679 tubeless valve 82545R bearing 563728 nut 1C004746 nut hold cap 012789 pin, split 015792 screw 598715 rear wheel hub 709047 washer 826298 screw 848039 spacer 003058 washer Rear Wheel
Swinging Arm Gilera Swinging Arm 56341R5 chassis side swinging arm CM067801 spacer (183 mm) 273773 bush 271807 screw 597140 o-ring 002440 nut 006416 seeger 56127R needle bearing 272750 silentblock - engine mount 597483 silentblock support bracket 597497 complete swinging arm on engine side 655151 swinging arm cover 269755 screw 709047 washer 597490 spring CM067802 spacer 563977 screw 231370 nut Swinging Arm
Expansion Tank Gilera Expansion Tank 623673 tank cap 621368 tank 575249 screw (m6x16) 254485 clip nuts (m6) 573060 return pipe 573059 oil delivery pipe 621564 coolant tank-cooler feed pipe 574883 tee union 620737 gasket ring CM000704 pipe 178610 fairlead CM002902 clamp Expansion Tank
Saddle Gilera Saddle CM005501 saddle assy 577886 saddle assy CM179302 screw (m6x22) 296456 stop buffer Saddle
Fuel Tank Gilera Fuel Tank CM0012096 tank pipe 575226 tank 288245 nut 575249 screw (m6x16) 258160 tank cover gasket 299913 fuel cap 299920 float chamber CM001307 pipe 575746 level gauge 258161 gasket, fuel gauge CM179302 screw (m6x22) 879888 clamp 196868 o-ring 574629 joint 709077 washer 575248 insert Fuel Tank
Front Brake Caliper-transmissions Gilera Front Brake Caliper-transmissions 494685 kit caliper overh. 647078 brake pads (heng tong) 647164 brake pads (grimeca) 56186R brake caliper 274924 brake hose 127927 washer gasket 265451 oil pipe screw m10x18 016408 washer (spring) 003058 washer 015792 screw 274350 fairlead 582521 wire 582413 speedometer cable Front Brake Caliper-transmissions
Petrol Cap-steering Wheel Lock Gilera Petrol Cap-steering Wheel Lock CM012801 door opening transmission 299903 square 003054 washer 015996 screw 299687 pawl 573090 spring 299972 screw 299902 pawl 577620 nut AP8161182 square 574263000P flap 574267 spring 573716 bracket 008432 screw 140333 terminal Petrol Cap-steering Wheel Lock
Electrical Device Gilera Electrical Device 584867 battery (yb10l-bp) 497629 battery 58246R relay - starter (12v 30a) CM017409 clip nuts 259349 screw 576170 battery cover 577313 pad 58115R relay - starter 1D003415R immobilizer antenna 258249 screw (4,2x19) 582520 breather pipe Electrical Device
Electrical Device Gilera Electrical Device 642670 remote switch 6426795 indicator switch 58058R horn button CM071803 horn 254485 clip nuts (m6) 58057R start pushbutton 294340 light switch B016777 screw Electrical Device
Electrical Device Gilera Electrical Device 1D002436 key switch 253937 spring 1B006291 complete lock block 1B002607 lock body 576719 key blank 576232 key blank 576231 lock, assy 298594 flat washer 285536 gasket - oil drain plug 298838 cylinder retainer spring Electrical Device
Electrical Device Gilera Electrical Device 584643 main wiring harness 231571 insulating cap 82597R ignition coil 58028R ht coil 012528 washer 015856 screw 582099 square 8282106 spark plug prot.collar 293845 spark plug cap 080341 h.v. cable 58090R5 voltage regulator 58054R cdi unit 031091 screw 582100 square B016777 screw 582108 square 290860 10 - fuse (15a) 293256 fuse (5a) 581190 fuse holder 580653 fuse holder 581191 plug 259349 screw CM017409 clip nuts Electrical Device
Front Direction Indicators Gilera Front Direction Indicators CM017403 clip nuts 181746 bulb (ba15s 12v 10w) 584019 turn indicator lens right 015994 screw 584017 turn indicator right 584018 turn indicator lens left 584016 turn indicator left Front Direction Indicators
Optical Unit Gilera Optical Unit 254485 clip nuts (m6) 294501 main wiring harness 294353 bulb (h7 55w 12v) 580227 light assembly 294382 light assembly CM179302 screw (m6x22) 580141 lamp h1 12v-55w 145298 lock-strap l=180mm Optical Unit
Rear Tail Lamp Gilera Rear Tail Lamp 575249 screw (m6x16) 254485 clip nuts (m6) 576111000P guard 181351 spring plate 297498 screw 576171000P splash guard 293565 main wiring harness 248419 clip nuts 1A003109 screw 58233R5 rear retroreflector 129953 bulb (12v 21/5w) 181746 bulb (ba15s 12v 10w) 584031 glass 584458 screw 290944 self-tapping screw with plastic big end 584020 turn indicator lens left 584021 turn indicator lens (smoke) 584014 taillight assy. 583282 guard 020104 nut m4 016404 washer (spring) 584884 license plate holder 013763 washer 013754 washer 015996 screw 291009 license plate holder 584877 number-plate extension 268596 screw Rear Tail Lamp
Rear Damper Gilera Rear Damper 56312R000C rear shock absorber 174874 pad 216209 pad 562809 washer 016408 washer (spring) 021108 nut 016626 washer 002440 nut 268158 screw 597149 spacer 564492 bracket 844483 screw 020008 nut Rear Damper
Speedometers Kms.-handlebar Covers Gilera Speedometers Kms.-handlebar Covers 56365700VA handlebar cover 56365750R7 handlebar cover 56365750E1 handlebar cover 56365700F2 handlebar cover 56365750A7 handlebar cover 574503 plug 574502 plug 267958 screw 270793 screw 297707 bushing 298148000C handlebar cover 584027 dashboard 018544 screw 494806 speedometer cover Speedometers Kms.-handlebar Covers
Handlebars Component Parts Gilera Handlebars Component Parts CM068002 mirror right CM063601 front brake lever hydraulic pump grimeca CM074901 brake hydraulic pump right 497042 brake lever 564678 brake lever 271453 grip right 583688 gas lever transmission CM060922 throtle sleeve 580953 brake light switch 6550825 handlebar 655554 screw 178790 washer 012543 washer (spring) 015330 nut 123394 screw 271433 handlebar weight 583697 terminal 1B006376 screw 269145 adjuster screw 498373 cover 020206 nut 563989 fairlead 562923 ring 38,3x27x1,2 Handlebars Component Parts
Handlebars Component Parts Gilera Handlebars Component Parts CM068001 mirror left 271452 grip left 580953 brake light switch 1B006376 screw 497042 brake lever 564678 brake lever CM074803 brake hydraulic pump left 583697 terminal 271433 handlebar weight 498373 cover Handlebars Component Parts
Crankase Gilera Crankase CM1485205001 crankcase assy CM1485075002 crankcase assy 1A003629R stud bolt (125 - 200 ccm) B016425 screw 411296 nut (m8x1,25) 486081 silentblock - engine mount 829526 gasket - crankcase B015433 cover m12x1,5 484034 nozzle B015956 dowel pin 1A003111 screw 876657 plate 840489 cup Crankase
Catalytic Silencer Gilera Catalytic Silencer 433800 screw 827526 washer 488045 spacer 576340 guard 016195 washer 433122 screw 436947 nut (m7x1) 015792 screw 8433005 exhaust 828351 exhaust 016408 washer (spring) 013861 washer 8263885 exhaust gasket (32x38x30,5) 828358 exhaust manifold 843297 manifold 826391 flange AP8152267 screw 833569 screw 826385 joint 842449 belleville spring 843881 washer 842419 silencer protector Catalytic Silencer
Crankcase Cooling Gilera Crankcase Cooling 430264 screw 873682 air deflector 873681 air deflector 483638 hose clamp 827400 cover 840959 belt cooling cover 258146 screw 8403255 transmission cover 8255275 cover 8413805 transmission cover cpl. B016792 screw 006635 seeger 4789853 bearing B015956 dowel pin 431860 bush Ø8xØ12x8 CM155102 plug 581309 earth braid 483783 cover gasket Crankcase Cooling
Flywheel Magneto - Secondary Air Box Gilera Flywheel Magneto - Secondary Air Box 828662 screw B015804 flanged nut m12 584689 rotor cpl. 584690 stator 000267 woodruff key 58141R stator 8403215 ignition cover 8482585 flywheel cover cpl. 825529 cover 497486 water pump mechanical seal (20 mm) 82991R water pump mechanical seal (30 mm) 497486 water pump mechanical seal (20 mm) 82772R bearing 872908 pump impeller drive key 486237 water pump cover 485080 gasket - water pump 828662 screw 82869R special screw 878666 water hose CM001908 clamp 841333 water pump shaft assy. 828493 screw 006965 washer 277916 dowel pin 834153 soundproofing material 834119 cover 296458 screw 006078 washer 831259 s.a.s. joint pipe 832059 gasket 831260 pipe 831258 gasket 831255 cover 831257 filter 831256 gasket ring 82996R sas valve 843400 intake pipe Flywheel Magneto - Secondary Air Box
Cylinder Head-valves Gilera Cylinder Head-valves 285846 valve half-cone 483914 upper cap 828480 spring 436438 valve stem seal 483711 lower cap 873809 valve (in) 873839 valve (ex) 831174 cylinder head gasket (200-250 ccm) 829265 cylinder head gasket 8475945 cylinder head assy. 831341 cylinder head 485603 screw w/ flange 277916 dowel pin B015957 dowel pin 435629 stud bolt (m7) 480853 exhaust gasket 828662 screw 828263 thermostat cover 82831R5 thermostat 82622R water temperature switch 434381 water hose CM002902 clamp Cylinder Head-valves
Oil Drain Valve Gilera Oil Drain Valve 1A010691R oil breather valve 844094 engine oil breather pipe 258146 screw 1A003985 gasket - breather valve CM001904 clamp 438073 spark plug (champion) 829536 gasket - head cover 031091 screw 829534 head cover Oil Drain Valve
Rear Wheel Shaft Gilera Rear Wheel Shaft 8738745 driven pulley shaft 8322545 rear wheel axis cpl. B0168835 wheel axle 82899R oil seal 006652 10 - seeger 83018R bearing 8710735 wheel hub cover with u.p. B016805 5 - screw 1A005376R radial bearing 30x55x13 8319145 transmission shaft 1A0017735 transmission shaft 830671 reduction unit breather pipe assembly 830862 breather 487948 hose clamp 847930 reduction unit cover gasket 1A024412R bearing 82878R oil seal B015959 seeger B016806 screw 483638 hose clamp Rear Wheel Shaft
Driving Half Pulley Gilera Driving Half Pulley CM144404 variator 485710 roller housing back plate 4348555 variator slider 4857135 roller weights (10,7 g) 832508 o-ring 840908 v-belt 834774 v-belt pulley 832720 v-belt pulley B015804 flanged nut m12 483889 spacer 840815 torque limiter Driving Half Pulley
Oil Pump-oil Pan Gilera Oil Pump-oil Pan 485868 spacer 840510 timing chain tensioner 828308 timing chain guide 82948R oil pump B016774 screw 433477 screw 436695 washer B016426 screw 483767 lower oil bulkhead 1A003111 screw 843761 oil pan 484123 screw 287913 oil pump gear 82649R oil pump chain 82783R oil pump control pinion 847929 gasket - oil pump 82644R6 timing chain 825595 timing system chain pinion cpl 483918 oil seal washer 825620 gasket ring 82538R oil seal 434345 oil pump chain drift 847116 crankshaft oil seal - timing system cover 015585 screw 843364 oil plug assembly 1A009397 o-ring 487937 washer 485047 upper oil bulkhead 830128 sump gasket 564629 clamp 277916 dowel pin 483783 cover gasket Oil Pump-oil Pan
Electric Starter Gilera Electric Starter 031091 screw 82611R5 starter motor 82612R starter bendix gear 833989 toothed pulley 828217 screw 431860 bush Ø8xØ12x8 Electric Starter
Chain Tightener-by-pass Valve Gilera Chain Tightener-by-pass Valve B016777 screw 1A019253 chain tensioner 847928 gasket - chain tensioner 485655 spring 829661 oil pressure valve Chain Tightener-by-pass Valve
Belt Cooling Tube Gilera Belt Cooling Tube CM017410 clip nuts 258249 screw (4,2x19) 254485 clip nuts (m6) 576110 cooling tube 145298 lock-strap l=180mm 479707 air intake hose 622214 air intake bellows Belt Cooling Tube
Chasis-central Stand Gilera Chasis-central Stand 5776715 frame 582298 spacer 581248 spring 030115 screw 582941 main stand comp. 581249 spring 002440 nut 295592 rubber mat stop foot rest 295591 ball d6 295590 return spring 003038 washer 259933 elastic spring 295451 footrest 295593 pin 573501 footrest 573502 footrest 003058 washer 031119 screw 298604 lock support 273754 o-ring Chasis-central Stand
Front And Rear Mudguard Gilera Front And Rear Mudguard 031089 screw 597201 mudguard 59702250E1 front mudguard 59702200NC mudguard 59702200VA mudguard 015558 screw 015804 screw 1B005489 rear mudguard 254485 clip nuts (m6) 003056 washer 012533 washer 259349 screw CM017410 clip nuts 013880 washer 575249 screw (m6x16) 830056 spacer 576359 splash guard Front And Rear Mudguard
Emblems Gilera Emblems 577986 "gilera" name plate 577984 "125 vx" plate 573508 gilera shield 577988 "liquid cooled o.h.c. 4valve" plate 577989 "liquid cooled o.h.c. 4valve" plate 620439 "world champion" name plate 577985 name plate 576990 "gilera" name plate 577980 "gilera" symbol plate 62086300A6 sticker kit 621745 sticker kit 577973 sticker kit 620858 name plate 620859 name plate 620853 "racing spirit" plate 620854 "racing spirit" plate 621749 "200 vxr" plate Emblems
Fairings Gilera Fairings 42960050R7 tyre 42960000VA tyre 42960050E1 tyre 42960050A7 tyre 42960000F2 tyre 258249 screw (4,2x19) CM017410 clip nuts 259349 screw CM178606 screw 42950000F2 tyre 42950000VA tyre 42950050A7 tyre 42950050R7 tyre 42950050E1 tyre 254485 clip nuts (m6) 57785300VA radiator grill 57785300E1 radiator grill 57785300NC radiator grill 575249 screw (m6x16) 272861 pad Fairings
Fairings Gilera Fairings CM179302 screw (m6x22) 299776 mat 5756590028 grid 298134000P footrest 297498 screw 254485 clip nuts (m6) CM178606 screw 298893000P air intake 29889300NC air intake 258249 screw (4,2x19) CM017410 clip nuts 29889200NC air intake 298892000P air intake 298133000P footrest 5756580028 grid 299775 mat Fairings
Fairings Gilera Fairings 015911 screw 62031000A7 battery door 62031000E1 battery door 62031000F2 battery door 62031000R7 battery door 62031000VA battery door 42980050R7 fairing 42980000VA fairing 42980050E1 fairing,rh. 4298005 fairing,rh. 42980000F2 fairing 575249 screw (m6x16) CM017410 clip nuts 576008 lever 008808 plate 465054 spring 299387 spring 576719 key blank 576718 lock,assy 57487500VA fairing 57487550E1 fairing,lh. 5748755 fairing,lh. 57487550R7 fairing,lh. 57487500F2 fairing Fairings
Fairings Gilera Fairings 298132000P upper protection 575249 screw (m6x16) 299384000P rear protection CM178606 screw CM017410 clip nuts 299693 catch spring 6208840095 luggage rack 577833 grid 297498 screw 259988 screw m6x55 254485 clip nuts (m6) 577832 plug 5739140029 "gilera" name plate 5739140034 "gilera" name plate 620591 "gilera" symbol plate Fairings
Fairings Gilera Fairings 299107000C lower protection 575249 screw (m6x16) CM017410 clip nuts 254485 clip nuts (m6) CM178606 screw Fairings
Coolant Radiator Gilera Coolant Radiator 351782 upper rubber 273288 spacer 013092 washer d6,2x20x1 271891 screw 168077 copper gasket 293301 water temperature switch 584676 water temperature switch CM001907 clamp 576106 water hose (radiator-head) 258904 damper 576107 pump-radiator pipe fitting 57301R radiator - water cooler 580922 fan engine 015558 screw 254485 clip nuts (m6) CM001908 clamp CM001903 clamp 016661 washer 827887 cover Coolant Radiator
Steering Bearing Ball Tracks Gilera Steering Bearing Ball Tracks 65069345 steering bearing (upper) 65007545 steering bearing (lower) 65069345 steering bearing (upper) 000000 missing description 65007545 steering bearing (lower) 563258 spacer 0111094 steering tube ring nut 582787 guard washer Steering Bearing Ball Tracks
Case Helmet Gilera Case Helmet 254485 clip nuts (m6) CM017410 clip nuts 259348 screw 272836 screw 575766 spring 299349 pin 296743 bracket 008432 screw 259349 screw 576108 flap 577820 helmet compartment 479175 nut 006976 washer (spring) Case Helmet
Windshield Kit-stand Kit Gilera Windshield Kit-stand Kit 620073 kit windscreen 258146 screw 020008 nut 582885 rubber, stand stopper 295789 spring 295788 spring 583047 stand kit 599009 screw 003058 washer 016408 washer (spring) Windshield Kit-stand Kit

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