
Derbi Variant Revolution 50 2004 original spare parts catalog

OEM parts for Derbi Variant Revolution 50

Version: Variant Revolution 50

Year: 2004


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Derbi Variant Revolution 50 2004 original spare parts catalog

Version: Variant Revolution 50

Year: 2004


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Carburettor Derbi Carburettor 00F03217011 carburettor 847519 fuel chamber 00G03201091 screw 00F03201231 cover carburetor top 00G03200061 screw 00H04101181 main jet 32 00F03205031 main jet 48 CM106217 needle valve CM107514 conical pin 288872 seeger 288873 conical pin clip AP8206898 gas valve 30 AP8206908 valve gas return spring 00H03201481 idle choke 00F03211711 starter valve 00F03200721 starter spring 00F04100941 starter cover 00G03200721 spring 00G03200731 air adj.screw cpl. 482916 float 498409 gasket envelope (dellorto phva) 00F00501721 air filter box 00012151500 screw 847181 washer 00G04401462 clip nuts (m5) 00F03202251 air filter 00F03201261 air intake hose 00F06300581 spring Carburettor
Carters Derbi Carters 863022 cranckcase assy. 00F03008631 cranckcase assy. 00F03005201 cranckase cover left 00F03003201 cranckase cover left 00F03007881 cranckase cover right 00F03002031 cranckase gasket 847238 gasket - oil drain plug 8472376 oil drain plug (magnetic) 323990 screw 00000004630 screw 00F03010071 bushing, silentblock 1A000352 screw (m6x22) 00006065500 screw 319446 screw 00F03000051 stud cylinder 00F02210711 silentblock 847241 dowel pin 00F02504061 intake manifold 00004062200 screw 00H03800451 clamp 00F05000261 plate 219277 nut 00F02500811 intake manifold gasket 00F02500641 reed valve holder 00H02500901 bushing 00004011600 hex.soc.-head screw 10m150x16 00008223051 wire 00F03000021 spacer, crankcase 00F02902381 bumper 847239 washer 00006067000 screw Carters
Cylinder - Head - Piston Derbi Cylinder - Head - Piston GU90402037 seal, output shaft 8741905002 connecting rod (catb) 00F02530041 gasket - cylinder base 847529 needle bearing (12x15x14,8) 00F05000011 r-cto.biela c/jaula-bul.start. 00059020400 bearing 00F02501091 piston 00003125120 piston pin 847178 snap ring - piston pin 00F02500111 piston ring 00F05005121 r-cto.cilind.pist.vr 98 00F05022171 cylinder head 00003125280 securing washer, cylinder head 00008202730 nut 00F02500021 cylinder head gasket 00D02500671 rubber 00F02500671 rubber 00008231000 r-cto.descompresor. 00000047304 cir-clip, 4 mm. 00008231020 valve, decomp. 00008231040 spring, decomp 00008231090 gasket, decomp. 00008231100 spring seat, decomp. 00008231050 bracket, decomp 00008231110 lever, decomp. cyl. hd 00000004510 screw AP8150284 washer 00F02502231 seal, crankshaft Cylinder - Head - Piston
Engine Derbi Engine 00F99929E401 engine 00F99929E400 engine 00F05203481 gasket assy Engine
Exhaust Unit Derbi Exhaust Unit 00F03435011 exhaust pipe and muffler 00008234040 exhaust gasket 00000004620 allen scren 6m100x20 00000002840 screw 00034000802 washer 00000031080 washer 00000012410 roundhead philips screw 4mm 00F01804392 silencer protector 847226 washer gasket 00F03423011 exhaust pipe and muffler 00G03400321 exhaust gasket 018639 screw 847181 washer 219277 nut 00F03401891 protector 00F04200601 bushing Exhaust Unit
Oil Pump Derbi Oil Pump 00F03700021 oil pump 00000004512 screw 847226 washer gasket 00F03701111 oil flex, pump 00F03700131 clamp 00F03700121 oil flexible pump tube to ada 00F01501381 spring 00F03702411 by-pass oil filter 00F03700141 rubber 00F03701011 oil pump cover 00H03710131 elastic clamp 00031106000 washer 478171 screw 00F03701441 oil pump coupling 00059120100 bearing 00F06800521 washer 00F06300671 securing 00F03701081 oil tank 00F03701094 cover 00F03710241 oil filler cap 00F06000081 protective 00F03702051 level plug 00G00400501 clamp Oil Pump
Reduction Derbi Reduction 00F04004281 gear 501042 bearing, outer drive pully 00057120300 bearing 847019 oil seal 00F02804371 gearbox output pinion z-13 00H02810421 plate, drive sprocket fixing 00000004510 screw 00057030100 bearing 00F02801301 axle pulleys 00057000400 bearing GU90402037 seal, output shaft AP8150284 washer 00006128280 washer Reduction
Variator Derbi Variator 00F02601821 clutch assy 00F02601411 support plate, clutch 00F02600811 spring 00F03601961 pulley halh 00G02601301 sliding boss seal 00F03600591 r-cto.polea movil c/retenes 00G02601881 oil seal 00G03602901 spring guide bush 00G02603211 spring 00G03601191 5 00F02601401 nut (clutch) 00G03602081 clutch hun 00G02601261 clutch hub nut 00F03600091 weight cover guide 00F03602111 centrifical wt. assy 00G02602831 weight cover 00G02601461 drive pulley assy 00G03601651 sliding weight hub boss bush 00G03601911 sliding boss guide pin 00G02601381 outside drive assy 00F03600181 drive pulley drive washer 00F02900271 clutch oneway 00006128280 washer 00026010000 nut (flanged) 00F02600371 v-belt 00008226440 bushing, rubber 00000047308 anill.seg.d7-9.d6799 0306058-5 00G03600971 drive spring sliding bush 00003128251 washer 00053041000 pin 00F02601041 starting shoe support 00F02610771 spring, starting clutch shoe 00008239450 bumper, clutch shoe 00F02601041 starting shoe support 00F02600651 arand.tca.cigÑal.dr.urban Variator
Frame Derbi Frame 00F01506181 chain guard. 00F01804223 cover, upper chassis 00F01503101 left foot rest protector 00F01502501 footrest right 00F01506233 spoiler 00F01507234 spoiler 254485 clip nuts (m6) 00011031401 screw 00F01810471 battery support 00000031060 washer 00012161600 screw 00F02201061 support 00011061300 screw 00011942000 screw 00011051801 screw 00D01200171 washer 00000012620 screw,6m100x20 00F06800091 bumper 00008239450 bumper, clutch shoe 00F03700671 snap ring 00F05900041 screw 00F04901701 muffler ind.plate 00F02211221 swing arm protector Frame
Front Fork Derbi Front Fork 00F02023713 fork assy 00F00201131 fork tube, lower right 00F00203121 fork tube, lower, left 00A00210111 cap, fork stem 00005602100 washer,fork stem cap 00008502080 nut,stem 00003102071 upper balla bearing 00000061040 ball 4,76 00003102060 outer guide ball bearing 00D03700071 }o} ring, fuel cap 00003102070 lower ball bearing race 00004161600 allen screw 6m100x16 00003102270 cap,fork tube upper 00F00200631 washer 00004302400 rubber, headlight sup 00F00211877 spacer 00003102260 headlight support washer 00F00200235 dust protector, upper fork 00A00210201 rubber guide, fork assy. 00003102470 seal,fork assembly 00F00200191 r-tubo principal.variant. 00008302160 spring,fork 00008302160 spring,fork 00000021080 nut 00000002860 hex.head screw 8m125x60 00F00230091 lower triple clamp, w/pin ass 00F02002563 triple clamp, cover, lower 00000031080 washer 00F00210011 triple clamp,lower w-pin assem 00008202260 seal headlight support tube 00008202500 screw, fork tube 00442060002 washer 00000004620 allen scren 6m100x20 00F05906251 lock assy 00F00200731 nut Front Fork
Front Wheel Derbi Front Wheel 00F01211952 r-cto.llanta vr 98 00000023060 nut 00F01207111 tubeless tyre 00F01211401 r-cto.tapa fre.dt.neg.v.revol. 00F01200031 spacer, wheel bearings, front 847016 bearing 00002112260 front wheel axle front 00006512310 leg protection washer 00D01240301 bushing 00G01300231 brake shoes cam shaft 00F01200151 brake shoe shaft 00232120032 nut 00G01300931 brake shoe 00G01200241 spring 00F01202141 braque panel, front 00003111120 adjuster, rear brake 00G01200721 front brake shoe wear indicato 00F01203191 brake lever, rear 00006053000 screw 00026005000 nut 00003111110 pin 00G01200911 washer Front Wheel
Handlebar - Controls Derbi Handlebar - Controls 00A02100551 screw fix. handlebar 00A02100571 lower tube, fix. handlebar 00A02100591 washer 00011030900 screw 00F00903011 handlebar assy 00F02112611 left throttle holder kit 00F02106621 right throttle holder kit 00012030800 screw phillips 00000004620 allen scren 6m100x20 00442060002 washer 00F00906431 cable assy, front blake 00F02100911 washer 00F00910661 r-manet.aire.1552.02.3785 st.n 00F00904231 brake cable front 00A00900531 hose clamp 00G00902091 throttle twist grip 177072 brake return spring 00F00900151 r-casq.fij.puÑo gas.10102018.s 00F00901401 scto.cable descompr.v la poste 00F00900111 r-cto.corred.p.gas.v.sp.97.400 00F00910391 r.maneta desc.1373021554 00G00902071 rear brake lever grip 00F00906171 throttle cable 00F00901201 r-maneta fre.dt.urban 00F00910291 clutch lever 00D00900531 hose clamp 00D01000701 brake light switch 00F02302381 light switch 00000023080 nut 00F00900161 r-tor.guia puÑo gas.10702060.s 00F00902651 cable assy, choke 00000031080 washer 00E02110501 throttle body cover, scoot 00F04900211 rear mirrow spindle 00F00200731 nut 00000031070 washer 00F04910221 rear mirrow 00000033070 spring washer d7 d127 00027007000 hexagonal nut 7m100 Handlebar - Controls
Luggage Rack Derbi Luggage Rack 00F06504551 frame sub-assembly 00F06503551 frame sub-assembly 00A01500352 spacer (rubber) 00F01510341 adornment, 00F01507403 decal 00F01808963 decal 00H00611521 decal derbi 018509 screw 254485 clip nuts (m6) 00F04900761 adornment, 00000004515 screw 00F04901761 adornment, 00000023100 self locking nut 10.m150 00F02500981 washer 00F03002271 engine front fixing axle 00F03501531 poste 00000031060 washer 00012161600 screw 00F00601091 support 00F01508731 decal 00F01512731 decal 00F01503021 rubber guide variant 00F01800221 rubber petrol level 00F00102671 left hand plate sub-assembly 00F00102701 right hand plate sub-assembly 00F02201311 left hand plate sub-assembly 00F02201301 right hand plate sub-assembly 00F01502101 foot rest protector 00036001200 arand.muelle alb.d12.din-137. 00000031080 washer 00000023080 nut 00F01500151 bushing 00F01811411 key blank Luggage Rack
Mudguards Derbi Mudguards 00F007040265 front mudguard 00008081200 allen round head scr.8m125x12 00000031080 washer 00H06300781 r-cto.guia cables fenix 00F007041235 rear fender. 00012161600 screw 00D01200171 washer 254485 clip nuts (m6) 00F00700341 rear mudguard extension 00G04400752 reflector 00F00700591 perfil poste 00G04400751 side reflector (amber) Mudguards
Rear Wheel Derbi Rear Wheel 00F02407152 v.rev98 00000023060 nut 00F01302321 tubeless tyre 00F01300031 plato arrast.z-35.v.start. 00F01200311 washer 00F01504201 transmission chain 00D01300091 spacer 847016 bearing 00D01310051 rear sproket retainer 00F01300061 hex.head screw m8x25 00A01310201 axle, rear wheel 00F01311811 adjuster, rear wheel 00006053000 screw 00026005000 nut 00003111110 pin 00G01200911 washer 00232120032 nut 00H01501211 connecting link 00F01300181 bushing 00F01305521 r-cto.tapa 00F01304141 braque panel, front 00G01300231 brake shoes cam shaft 00G01300931 brake shoe 00G01200241 spring 00F01301111 brake lever, rear 00G01200721 front brake shoe wear indicato 00003111120 adjuster, rear brake 00F01200151 brake shoe shaft Rear Wheel
Swing Arm - Shock Absorber Derbi Swing Arm - Shock Absorber 00F00305011 v. start, swingarm (black) 00F00805011A kickstand 00F00810071 start pivot pin kickstand 00000031080 washer 00023108000 nut 00F00800171 bushing pivot pin kickstand 00F00800081 spring kickstand 00003108060 centre stand stop 00F01507191 shock absorber. 00012083001 hex. head screw 8m125x30 d933 00034000802 washer 00000023120 self-locking nut 12m150 00006512310 leg protection washer 00F01500491 bushing 00F01800141 bushing 031120 screw 00000033080 washer 00E04600251 swingarm guide 00F04600331 swingarm guide bracket 00000002620 hexagonal head screw 6m100x20 00000031060 washer 00000023060 nut 00D02500271 washer 00032015000 washer Swing Arm - Shock Absorber
Tank Derbi Tank 00F00403011 fuel tank hunter 00F00410051 plate, support 00008204140 fuel cap 00008204640 fuel tank 00F00402181 fuel tap 00G00400501 clamp 00D03700131 clamp 00F00405781 fuel line 00F06203061 black fuel pipe 00F04302081 oil level indicator assy 00F00626011 saddle assy 00F00603261 pivot 00000004620 allen scren 6m100x20 00F006008255 seat base w/decal 00F04911103C5 left seat base w/decal 00F00600603 decal 00F00600613 decal 00F01403192 start rear basket holder 00008063500 screw 00000031060 washer 254485 clip nuts (m6) 00F05900943 cover 00F06800423 cover 00011031401 screw 00F00602181 saddle locking cable assy 00F00601051 support 00E04410371 washer 00034000602 inner star washer 0 6 00G00604141 saddle locking cam 00008062500 screw 00031106000 washer 00F01401371 bushing Tank
Cdi Magneto Assy Derbi Cdi Magneto Assy 00F03306011 magneto assembly 018639 screw 00F03303221 nut, crankshaft 00026010000 nut (flanged) 00F03320281 rubber, magneto grommet 00F03321281 rubber, magneto grommet 00G03300231 key, flywheel 00011061600 screw 00F03306171 ignition coil 00G03301271 spark plug cap Cdi Magneto Assy
Front Lights Derbi Front Lights 00F02313495C5 nacelle handlebar 00F01502251 front plate decal l-h 00F01502331 decal 00F01003521 nacelle handlebar 254485 clip nuts (m6) 00H01501701 screw 00011031801 screw 00F04901663C5 lens taillight w/decal 00F01501341 protector 00G01701091 indicator lens securing screw 00003710120 spring 00F01007011 headlight 00G01702902 lens, turn signal rear lh 00F01700111 nacelle handlebar 00F01700911 nacelle handlebar 00F01705021 turn signal light front rh 00F01705311 turn signal light front left 00011051801 screw 00G06301451 right cap 00F05700623 decal 219528 bulb (ba20d 12v 35/35w) 00003710110 bulb holder (ba20d) 00G01702892 lens, turn signal rear lh 584332 bulb (12v 10w bau15s) 015996 screw 00038004000 machined flat washer, d.4,3. Front Lights
Instruments Derbi Instruments 00F01600961 bracket, fix. speedo 00F01602521 bracket, fix. speedo 00G01603071 speedometer lens 00F01605021 speedometer cable 00F01602051 speedo drive unit 00G01602581 lampholder 00F04309031 dash assy 00F04308031 dash assy 254485 clip nuts (m6) AP8150246 screw 00G01601581 lampholder 00012161600 screw 847226 washer gasket 00D01200171 washer 00F04300601 circuit 00000002615 hexagonal head screw 6m100x15 00000021060 nut m6x100 00F01201291 bushing 00034000602 inner star washer 0 6 Instruments
Rear Lights Derbi Rear Lights 00F01027301 wiring harness 00071010403 tube 00A00900531 hose clamp 00F01004311 horn assembly 00F01000591 screw, lens AP8150246 screw 00G01701091 indicator lens securing screw 00F01703301 rear right indicator light ass 00F01703391 rear right indicator light ass 00F01003321 taillight assy. 00F01740401 turn signal light control 00012161600 screw 00000023060 nut 00D01200171 washer 00011031401 screw 00000023050 nut 00F01000791 pilot light bulb 12v 4w 584332 bulb (12v 10w bau15s) 00F01003341 taillight lens 00G01702902 lens, turn signal rear lh 00G01702892 lens, turn signal rear lh 847181 washer 00000002525 hex head screw 00000002615 hexagonal head screw 6m100x15 00000031060 washer 00034000602 inner star washer 0 6 254485 clip nuts (m6) Rear Lights
Starter Assembly Derbi Starter Assembly 00F02903011 kickstarter shaft 00G02902041 starter return spring 00F02903251 kick starter lever 00F02901281 spring 00F02902651 starter slider pinion sub-assy 00G02901051 starter mechanism stop bush 00F02902171 starter cover plate and bush 00000004620 allen scren 6m100x20 00442060002 washer 00004061600 screw 00000013612 socket-head screw 6m100x12 00F02900711 starter shaft o-ring Starter Assembly
Accessories Derbi Accessories 00G05600371 connecting rod tool 00G05300011 flywheel cover disassy tool 00H05400451 drive shaft tool 00F05400451 crankcase seal mounting punch 00H05600241 transmis.shaft locking tool 00H05600251 tools for fixing bushing needl 00A05100561 tool pouch 020581Y flywheel extractor 00005253240 flywheel extractor 00G05300151 engine separator tool 00F05119121 user's book Accessories

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