
Derbi Mulhacen 650 659 2008 original spare parts catalog

OEM parts for Derbi Mulhacen 650 659

Version: Mulhacen 650 (659)

Year: 2008


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Derbi Mulhacen 650 659 2008 original spare parts catalog

Version: Mulhacen 650 (659)

Year: 2008


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Carters Derbi Carters AP8520020 carter, pair AP8206169 dowel pin AP8520121 locating dowel d6,4x8x16 AP8520279 gasket ring d6,9x2,4 862347 centrador AP8520256 screw m6x16 AP8520168 check bearing plate 862111 final exhaust pipe 862441 abrazadera AP8520260 support clamp AP8520261 support clamp AP8520243 screw (m6x80) AP8520231 screw m6x30 AP8520244 screw m6x90 AP8520198 screw m6x55 AP8520242 screw m6x60 AP8520196 screw m6x45 Carters
Clutch Derbi Clutch AP8520193 screw w/ flange m6x35 AP8520084 clutch spring AP8520055 clutch pressure plate AP8520102 bearing 17x35x10 AP8520129 pin 00M12502312 seeger 862208 arandela acero AP8520048 clutch relese shaft 862165 muelle retorno palanca AP8520116 oil seal AP8520093 roller cage d15x22x12 862355 shaft AP8520092 roller cage d10x14x10 862207 washer AP8520148 seeger AP8520057 driving clutch disc 1 AP8520056 driven clutch disc AP8520059 driving clutch disc 3 AP8520058 driving clutch disc 2 AP8520087 belleville spring d114,5x126x0,9 AP8520188 washer AP8520044 clutch housing, complete AP8520182 washer AP8520061 aluminium clutch drum AP8520190 safety washer 20,2x30x1 AP8520176 nut m20x1 AP8520174 transmission key 7x6,5x47,5 AP8520060 clutch gearing AP8520214 washer AP8520185 washer AP8520178 nut m20x1 Clutch
Cylinder Derbi Cylinder AP8520002 cylinder d.100 AP8520103 gasket - cylinder base AP8520203 screw m6x40 AP8520252 screw w/ flange m10x1,25x109 AP8520253 screw w/ flange m10x1,25x116 AP8520225 washer Cylinder
Cylinder Head Derbi Cylinder Head 862430 cylinder head 862431 tapa registro culata AP8520270 gasket ring d78x2,9 AP8520204 screw AP8520183 stud bolt AP8520235 screw w/ flange m9x1,25x145 AP8520224 washer AP8520231 screw m6x30 AP8520250 screw w/ flange m9x1,25x135 862432 tapa distribucion AP8520271 gasket ring d95,5x3,2 862254 tornillo m6x20 AP8520122 dowel d10,3x12x16 862331 junta culata AP8520247 screw w/ flange m9x1,25x39 AP8520007 spark plug (ngk) Cylinder Head
Exhaust Unit Derbi Exhaust Unit 00N03400601 cto.tubo escape dr.gp130 00N03401601 cto.tubo escape iz.gp130 864056 cto.tubo escape AP8520112 exhaust gasket 862560 nut (special) 00N03401321 casq.grafito 35 gp130 862590 supporting band 864336 exhaust pipe protector mulhacen cafÉ 00N01802391 protect. tubo escape gp130 862510 screw (spec) 847181 washer 00N03400321 casq.grafito 50 gp130 862591 supporting band 864062 scto.sordina mulhacen e3 00N03400411 scto.sordina gp130 AP8150170 screw (m8x25) 00402080001 washer 00023108000 nut 00N01800391 protector sordina ant.gp130 864337 front silencer protector mulhacen cafÉ 862037 washer 00F04201361 washer 864338 back silencer protector mulhacen cafÉ 00N01801391 protector sordina post.gp130 826117 spacer AP8150169 screw 00G00803101 washer 862714 insulator panel 864063 r-cto. sonda lambda cafe Exhaust Unit
Filter Holder Derbi Filter Holder 00N01800541 cto.caja filtro gp130 00000004630 screw 00031106000 washer 00G01001821 ring nut 00000023060 nut 00N00501771 tapa caja filtro peq.gp130 00011051601 screw 861128 packing 861130 air filter 00N03200491 tubo aspiracion gp130 861961 electric controls 00N05003561 resonador post.gp130 00011051401 screw 00N05002561 resonador ant.gp130 861129 packing 827831 cap 862404 clamp 861127 tapa decantador aceite 861264 packing 861195 air filter 00N03200261 tobera admision motor gp130 862923 clamp 00N03300551 caja bateria gp130 861121 cover 00G01503701 screw 254485 clip nuts (m6) 00002051251 screw AP8520140 sas valve 00N06500561 sopte.valvula sai gp130 00D05910081 screw 00G03801091 clamp 00N04200721 tubo salida caja sas gp130 00H00402501 clamp 00N04201721 tubo aire secund.gp130 AP8520184 screw m6x16 AP8520107 copper gasket sas 00N03201491 tubo aspiracion caja sai gp130 00H03801461 clamp 00N03802041 manguito aire mariposa gp130 00H03801701 clamp 862403 pipe 861801 spacer 00H00403581 silent-block 00G03601871 blower securing bush 847181 washer 864454 fairlead 00H06400291 clamp Filter Holder
Gear Box Derbi Gear Box 862296 cojinete 862083 anillo seguridad d20 AP8520221 washer AP8520066 1st wheel gear z=30 AP8520069 4th wheel gear z=20 862088 anillo seguridad d25 AP8520219 washer 862150 piÐËn 3¬ z-23 AP8520070 5th wheel gear z=20 862089 anillo seguridad d28,5 AP8520208 washer 862149 piÐËn 2¬ z-26 862077 eje secundario 862320 anillo torico AP8520100 bearing d25x62x17 AP8520285 oil seal AP8520096 bushing d25x35x18,65 AP8520170 plate 862269 tornillo m6x14 862361 gear AP8520192 safety washer 21,7x38x1 AP8520179 nut m18x1 AP8520098 bearing 25x52x15 862076 eje primario AP8520064 4th pinion gear z=22 AP8520063 3rd pinion gear z=20 AP8520065 5th pinion gear z=26 AP8520095 bushing d21,9x28x21,9 AP8520220 washer AP8520209 washer 896504 2nd pinion gear z=16 862295 cojinete 8107156 cto.guia cadena gp130 00N03000581 tapa piÑon salida cambio gp130 00H01503701 screw 861242 casqu.fij.tapas 50cc Gear Box
Manifold Derbi Manifold 865068 r-cuerpo mariposa mulhacen 659 cc 862103 cuerpo mariposa AP8520172 clamp AP8520015 manifold d46 AP8520156 preformed pipe d5,5x11,5 AP8520089 clamp AP8520164 pipe 862624 torque limiting device Manifold
Oil Pump Derbi Oil Pump AP8520139 filter with net-air intake AP8520284 gasket AP8520232 screw 862124 tubo aceite 862317 anillo torico 862109 precinto bomba aceite 862106 precinto piÐon bomba AP8520251 screw m5x8 862086 anillo seguridad d11 AP8520074 oil pump gear z=64 AP8520016 oil pump AP8520205 screw AP8520277 gasket ring d12,6x2,5 AP8520110 oil pump gasket AP8520287 oil seal AP8520101 ball d9,53 862164 muelle 862440 tapa filtro aceite 862318 o-ring AP8520017 oil filter AP8520279 gasket ring d6,9x2,4 AP8520237 screw 862224 arandela cobre AP8520239 screw AP8520238 screw m6x39 862447 tubo ent.aceite chasis-motor AP8520255 screw m6x25 862319 o-ring AP8502807 pin d.10x14-int.d.8,5 AP8520202 screw w/ flange m14x1,5 AP8520211 washer 862113 tubo salida aceite motor-chasis AP8520256 screw m6x16 862304 anillo torico AP8520043 oil pipe AP8520240 screw w/ flange m8x1,25x24 862225 arandela cobre AP8520045 oil pipe AP8520245 screw AP8520241 screw w/ flange m10x1,25x21 862226 arandela cobre 00G03801091 clamp 00H03806091 abraz.norma cobra 16/8 w4 Oil Pump
Piston Derbi Piston AP8520004 piston d100 AP8520019 piston ring set (d100) AP8520133 piston pin AP8520144 stop ring 862433 cto cig_eÐal-biela AP8520175 flywheel key d16x5 AP8520210 washer AP8520181 flanged nut m16x1,5 862434 piÐon intermedio contrapeso AP8520226 washer AP8520264 bearing d40x90x23 AP8520177 nut m18x1 AP8520187 safety washer 18x31,5x1 862435 piÐon contrapeso AP8520100 bearing d25x62x17 862436 contrapeso AP8520173 key balance shaft 862294 cojinete AP8520286 oil seal Piston
Puller Cpl. Derbi Puller Cpl. 86360300WNA cafe 00N00800011 scto.caballete lateral gp130 8121994 tornillo caballete gp130 00N05000281 arandela caballete gp130 00301125011 tca.m10x125x6 din 936 AP8221204 lateral stand spring AP8221211 inner spring 00008062000 screw 00N02200311 scto.sopte.estr.pil.dr.gp130 00N02200301 scto.sopte.estr.pil.iz.gp130 00N01500101 protect.estrib.dr.gp130 00008063001 tor.c/red.all.6m100x30.d7380zn 00N01500901 arand.fij.sopt.estrib.gp130 00000023060 nut 00N01500501 protect.estrib.iz.gp130 00402060001 washer 861786 footrest 861787 footrest 00N04400451 pasador estriberas gp130 00N04900291 spring, step return 00402080001 washer 00324432110 footrest rubber 00023108000 nut 8121134 screw 861180 screw (m6x12) 86148500WNA sopte.estrib.pasaj.dr.ngr.hum.mul 598921 screw 86148600WNA sopte.estrib.pasaj.iz.ngr.hum.mul AP8150170 screw (m8x25) 8145008 estrib.pasaj.dr.gp130 8145009 estrib.pasaj.iz.gp130 00324412100 bracket 00N01500161 muelle estrib.pasaj.gp130 00000061070 bola d.7. 00003515370 washer 006408 seeger 00324432100 footrest rubber 00N02200421 pletina estrib.gp130 00N02700421 cto.palanca cambio gp130 AP8220189 spacer (rubber) 672380 screw 00N02700301 arand.fij.palanca cambio gp130 00N02700151 eje palanca cambio gp130 00N02700241 casq.palanca cambio gp130 00N04403711 washer 00N02700581 buje reenvio cambio gp130 AP8150165 screw 00N02700211 varilla palanca cambio gp130 020105 nut 862042 cabza.rotula gikr5-pw s/din 12 240-4 00002052051 screw 847226 washer gasket 00000023050 nut 862043 bearing 00003306570 washer Puller Cpl.
Selector Derbi Selector 862079 eje selector completo AP8520131 threaded pin m8x1,25x35 862289 casquillo AP8520050 index assy. lever AP8520125 fixing pin AP8520082 index spring 862212 arandela plana 862082 anillo seguridad d17 862213 arandela plana 862302 jaula de rodillos AP8520115 oil seal 862209 arandela plana 862090 circlip for shaft 862101 tambor distribuidor AP8520206 screw 862133 precinto AP8520124 pin d4x12,9 AP8520083 spring AP8520012 fork AP8520054 fork AP8520053 fork Selector
Valves Derbi Valves AP8520136 valve (ex) AP8520137 valve (in 38 mm) AP8520051 lower cup AP8122606 valve stem seal AP8520081 valve spring AP8520052 upper cup 862080 anillo retencion muelle 862437 balanc-n escape 862438 balanc-n admision AP8520119 rocker shaft AP8520199 valve adj.spec.screw 862178 tuerca m6 Valves
Variator Carter Cover Derbi Variator Carter Cover AP8520010 complete clutch cover AP8520106 clutch crancase gasket AP8520169 cable fixing plate AP8520231 screw m6x30 AP8206169 dowel pin AP8520288 oil seal AP8520049 plate AP8520245 screw 862442 cover clutch AP8520105 cover gasket AP8520246 screw AP8520011 flywheel side cover AP8520108 flywheel housing cover gasket 862443 tapa arranque AP8520283 k.start cover gasket AP8520121 locating dowel d6,4x8x16 AP8520255 screw m6x25 AP8520277 gasket ring d12,6x2,5 AP8520171 plate 862444 cover AP8520281 gasket ring d34,6x2,5 862445 tapa registro encendido AP8520269 gasket ring d13,5x2,2 AP8520234 screw (m6x35) AP8520207 screw m6x50 Variator Carter Cover
Water Pump Derbi Water Pump AP8520031 water pump cover AP8520207 screw m6x50 AP8520195 screw w/ flange m6x25 AP8520222 seal washer AP8520118 water pump impeller cpl. AP8520132 water pump shaft AP8122605 mechanical gasket AP8520109 gasket - water pump AP8520138 water pump casing AP8520272 o-ring AP8520117 oil seal AP8520266 bearing AP8520189 washer AP8520076 water pump driven gear 862085 security ring AP8520075 water pump driven gear AP8520134 water hose union AP8520274 gasket ring d33,2x2,4 AP8520232 screw 862174 abrazadera 862115 tube pump-cylinder AP8520042 water hose union AP8520275 gasket ring d20,6x2,6 AP8520245 screw 862439 tapa termostato 853371 anillo torico AP8520120 thermostat 862254 tornillo m6x20 Water Pump
Central Stand Derbi Central Stand 86148700WNA frame front side 8102393 tapon dpsto.aceite gp130 00N03800691 junta tapon dpsto.aceite gp130 00N02200191 r-racord sal.aceite chas.gp130 861057 arand.022 d36x2 cobre 861059 stud, short root 861058 arand.d8 d18x2 cobre 00N01801491 sopte.cpu chasis gp130 00000004515 screw 86262000WNA cartela protect.cables regul.ngr.hum.mul 00G04401462 clip nuts (m5) 86291300WNA support fuel tank 00D05910081 screw 00N00100381 casq.separ.motor chasis gp130 861225 arand.horquilla gp130 00N00100891A scto.sopte.inf.motor gp130 00004017500 torn.c/all.10m150x75 din912 12.9 dac 00402100001 washer 002440 nut 00N02100941 protect.tubo aceite gp130 861178 tor.m6 inox c/abombada mulhacen 862797 protection 00N01000821 ring nut 00H06101101 spacer (rubber) 00N02201931 cartela dr.sopte.culata gp130 00N02200931 cartela iz.sopte.culata gp130 00N04400731 casqu.sopte.culata gp130 00H02510271 screw 00402080001 washer 00023108000 nut 861393 torn.c/all.10m150x100 din912 12.9 dac 8163500 contratca.eje direcc.gp130 AP8144146 gasket ring 00N06500451 cojnte.direcc. 30205 j2/q 8121307 distancial inf.tija dir. 00N03700111 tubo salida dpsto.aceite gp130 00H03804091 clip 00N03500091 eje sopte.motor/estrib.gp130 Central Stand
Frame Derbi Frame 86402100WR25 guardab.dlnt.roj.drag.mul a.nieto 86402100WN4 86117600WN05 front mudguard 00N00700051 sopte.guardab.dlnt.gp130 00H01503701 screw 00H06301861 fairing securing screw 6x18 gp 672380 screw 00008062000 screw 00H01501701 screw 00402060001 washer 00031106000 washer 00N01000821 ring nut 00000023060 nut 86401900WN4 tapa 00N044007715 tapa dlntra.drcha.gp130 86401900WR25 tapa dlnt.dr.roj.drag.mul a.nieto 86402000WN4 tapa 86402000WR25 tapa dlnt.iz.roj.drag.mul a.nieto 00N044007815 tapa dlntra.izqda.gp130 2B014101 screw 00G04401462 clip nuts (m5) AP8120622 8 - front dust cover ring 861239 washer 00N01800021 toma aire front.dr.gp130 00N01800031 toma aire front.iz.gp130 00G04401462 clip nuts (m5) 00N00500071 tapa lateral.dr.gp130 86401400WR25 tapa tras.dr.roj.drag.mul a.nieto 86401400WN4 tapa 00N00500081 tapa lateral.iz.gp130 86401500WR25 tapa tras.iz.roj.drag.mul a.nieto 86401500WN4 lateral protection 861193 tor.allen din7984 6m100x20/8.8 znb B016774 screw 00G01001821 ring nut 00H00403581 silent-block 00N03800301 rejilla tapa tras.dr.gp130 00N03800981 rejilla tapa tras.iz.gp130 00N01500691 grapa mikalor 210003 00H06300551 helmet carrier profile strip g 00D00900531 hose clamp 86173800WB2 set of decals mulhacen 659 white 86173800WN4 r-cto.kit calcas mul659 cafe ngr.lent.07 Frame
Frame Derbi Frame 00N00600011 cto.sillin gp130 8637900001 saddle assy 8637920001 saddle assy 00N00600871 saddle assy (passenger) 86401700WN4 stirrup 86401700WR25 tapa sillin pasaj.roj.drag.mul a.nieto 00N061001215 tapa sillin pas.gp130 86401600WN45 colin sillin 00N006001615 colin sillin gp130 86401600WR2 colin sillin roj.drag.mul a.nieto 00G01503701 screw 2B014101 screw 00G04401462 clip nuts (m5) 861783 grid 862000 silent-block 00H06300861 screw (6x14) 00G00500101 casq.fij.tapa cubrecart.gp1 50 00H06300841 chain guard stop-end 00N00700121 guardab.tras.gp130 862075 handle 254485 clip nuts (m6) 00N01501571 sopte.ant.placa matricula 00N01500571 sopte.placa matricula gp130 861178 tor.m6 inox c/abombada mulhacen 00011051401 screw 00N01502571 sopte.dr.placa matric.gp130 00N01503571 sopte.iz.placa matric.gp130 AP8224470 screw 00G03601871 blower securing bush 00000023060 nut 861529 packing protection 861530 packing protection 873433 screw 00402060001 washer 862930 r-kit cerradura sillin 00008062000 screw 00026006000 nut 6m100 478171 screw Frame
Front Fork Derbi Front Fork 00N00200001 861967 screw m10x25 861648 washer 861968 fork lower tube 861969 fork lower tube 861970 r-casquillo guia superior 861647 screw 861971 r-tuerca m8 861972 fork lower tube 861973 r-arandela tope muelle horquilla 861974 r-tubo separador 861975 r-muelle horquilla 897990 dust cover 861977 oil ring AP8163133 fork oil seal 861979 r-arandela casquillo horquilla 861980 r-casquillo guia inferior 861981 stem 00H00200831 screw 861982 nut m10 AP8123721 washer 861984 silentblock 861985 fork upper support 861986 fork upper support 861987 fork lower tube 861988 fork lower tube 861989 fork lower tube 862450 bush 861990 o-ring cap fork tube 861991 cap fork tube 861992 nut 861993 inner tubes support 861225 arand.horquilla gp130 Front Fork
Front Wheel Derbi Front Wheel 862515 wheel rim 00N01200111 cubierta dlntra.gp130 00N01200101 camara aire dlntra.gp130 862514 rim tape 00N01200081 llanta rueda dlntra.gp130 862511 spoke 862512 spoke 00H01202071 nut 00N01200711 cto.carrete dt. gp130 862420 seeger 862419 bearing 00N01200021 brake disc 862932 hexag. head screw 00N01200271 eje rueda dlntro.gp130 00N01200321 distanc.buje rda.dlnt.gp130 00N01200291 distanc.buje rda.dlnt.lado disco 8152324 tuerca eje rueda dlnt.gp130 00N01200191 cto.pinza freno.dlntro gp130 00000004160 screw 862697 brake pads AP8133886 pads 4 pc. 00N01200991 junta boq.freno 06842640 gp130 AP8133593 pin+brake spring 862421 seal ring Front Wheel
Front Wheel Derbi Front Wheel 863633 cto.llanta dlnt.mul659 cafe 863634 cubierta delantera 110/70x17\" 54w 270991 tubeless tyre valve 863636 front wheel spindle front 863658 casq.separ.lado disco 865062 r-reten llanta 28x47x7 865060 r-cojinete 20x47x14 865061 r-anillo seguridad d47 863637 suplemento disco freno 863659 casq.centrador eje rueda 00F00200631 washer 8125763 tuerca eje rueda tras.gp130 AP8133781 brake disc 00006083000 screw 00N01200191 cto.pinza freno.dlntro gp130 00000004160 screw 862697 brake pads AP8133886 pads 4 pc. 00N01200991 junta boq.freno 06842640 gp130 AP8133593 pin+brake spring Front Wheel
Handlebar Derbi Handlebar 00N00900011 scto.manillar gp130 861098 tag (terminal) AP8121520 anti vib.weight trailing 323990 screw 00N00900081 cto.puÑo gas gp130 00N00900171 throttle cable (open) 00N00901171 throttle cable (closed) 00N02100081 cto.bomba freno dlnt.gp130 862499 clamp 862488 brake lever 862502 bleeding plug B016774 screw 00N01100201 deposito 00N01800641 sopte.dpsto.aceite freno gp130 862496 pipe fitting 00N01100591 tornillo freno 01573203 gp130 GU95551167 pasacables freno gp130 00N01100491 tuerca freno 01667015 gp130 862501 brake light switch 862494 oil pipe screw 00N00900751 r-tubo liq.freno.dtro.gp130 00D05910081 screw 00N02200671 cto.espejo retrov.dch.gp130 862608 grip 00N02100611 cto.potamant.iz.embrag.gp130 862604 supporting band 862605 clutch lever 862606 setting screw 862607 cap 00N00900301 scto.cable embrag.gp130 00N02800091 intrrupt.embrague gp130 00N01000141 cto.puÑo luz gp130 00D00900531 hose clamp Handlebar
Ratchet Derbi Ratchet 862078 cto arbol de levas AP8520265 bearing 22x44x12 AP8520126 pin d6x29,9 AP8520127 lever pin 862125 precinto AP8520197 screw AP8520072 timing system gear AP8520236 hex screw m7x1x11 (m7x1x11) AP8520018 chain tensioner AP8520255 screw m6x25 AP8520104 gasket - chain tensioner AP8520009 timing chain AP8520162 chain guide AP8520163 chain guide AP8520200 hex screw m6x16 (m6x16) Ratchet
Rear Brake Derbi Rear Brake 00N01300121 brake pedal 00N01100301 regulac.palanca freno gp130 861194 tor.allen din7984 6m100x40/8.8 znb 00037000600 washer 00000023060 nut 00N01100171 torn.fij.palanca freno gp130 865365 tor.fij.palanca freno tras.mul659 00N01100261 junta fij.palanca freno gp130 00N01100071 muelle palanca freno gp130 00N04403711 washer 002440 nut 00N01100181 cto.bomba freno tras.gp130 00N01100231 varilla bomba freno gp130 AP8150169 screw 00N01101201 deposito 00000004515 screw 847226 washer gasket 00G04401462 clip nuts (m5) 862505 pipe fitting 862504 switch 00N01100081 tubo liqu.freno tras.gp130 862494 oil pipe screw 00N01100581 cto.pinza freno.tras.gp130 863651 brake hydraulic syst.ass. 00N01300521 sopte.pinza freno tras.gp130 862698 brake pads 647076 brake pads AP8113895 air bleed valve AP8113752 pin+split pin AP8150246 screw 864454 fairlead Rear Brake
Rear Wheel Derbi Rear Wheel 862520 wheel rim 00N01300321 cubierta tras.gp130 00N01300361 camara aire tras.gp130 862519 rim tape 00N01300351 llanta rueda trasera gp130 862569 spoke 862568 spoke 862570 spoke 00N01300821 cto.carrete tr.gp130 862422 bearing 862421 seal ring 862420 seeger 00N01300031 plato arrastre gp130 862626 hexag. head screw 00N01500201 cadena secund.106p gp130 862575 chain 00N01300211 eje rueda tras.gp130 00N01300291 distanc.buje lado disco 00N01300181 distanc.buje rda.tras.gp130 8125763 tuerca eje rueda tras.gp130 00N01300531 brake disc 862933 hexag. head screw 00N02400471 r-corona embrag.rda.tras.gp130 00N02400461 r-elastic.amort.rda.tras.gp130 00262080022 nut 862425 seal ring 862423 seeger 862426 bearing 862424 bush 00031008000 plain washer d8 d125 862571 spoke 862598 spoke Rear Wheel
Rear Wheel Derbi Rear Wheel 863641 wheel rim 863642 cubierta trasera 160/60-17\" 69w 270991 tubeless tyre valve 8125763 tuerca eje rueda tras.gp130 865062 r-reten llanta 28x47x7 863771 disco freno tr.mulhacen cafe 864050 torn. 8m 125 x 20 din 7984 / 8.8 zn. b 00000033080 washer 865060 r-cojinete 20x47x14 AP8144686 damper - rear wheel hub 863644 cto.porta plato 865087 r-casquillo portacorona 865085 r-cojinete portacorona 25x47x12 865061 r-anillo seguridad d47 865086 r-reten portacorona 30x47x7 AP8107157 chain ring z=44 863707 special stud 002440 nut 863649 casq.separ.lado plato mulhacen cafe 863643 eje rueda tras.gp233 00N01500201 cadena secund.106p gp130 862575 chain Rear Wheel
Swing Arm - Shock Absorber Derbi Swing Arm - Shock Absorber 862659 swing arm 86265900WNA cto.basculnt.c/casq.ngr.hum.mul659 a.n.0 00N00300271 eje basculante gp130 00N04404711 arand.basculante chasis gp130 00N00300231 casq.dr.basculante gp130 00N00300431 casq.iz.basculante gp130 00H00302701 bearing 00G01300271 rear wheel axle nut 00N00100961A gp130 863012 connecting rod 00N00300891 eje balancin chasis gp130 00N06800451 casq.balancin gp130 863011 connecting rod 00N00300931 eje biela balancin gp130 00N04402711 arand.balancin biela gp130 00N00300841 casq.artcul.cent.biela gp130 00026012001 tca.eje amortg.gp130 m12x1´5 00N00300411 torn.c/all.12m150x70 din912 12.9 dac 00N04401711 arand.basculante biela gp130 00N00300851 gp130 00N00301701 casq.agujas hk2530 2rs gp130 00N00300861 casq.artcul.ant.biela gp130 00N00300261 tapa dlntra.basculnte.gp130 00N00301261 cover 00N01500181 protector cadena gp130 00H01501701 screw 00N01800331 placa rozam.cadena gp130 AP8150246 screw 00004168000 tor.c/allen 6m100x80 d7984 ngr 00000023060 nut 8144703 tensor rueda lado dr.gp130 8144702 tensor rueda lado iz.gp130 00012085022 tor.m8125x50 8.8 din933 znb 00232080021 nut 00N01500191 cto.amortiguad.gp130 00N04400081 eje amortiguador gp130 863138 casq.fij.amortiguad.mul 00N02200141 tapon cierre amortig.gp130 00262120032 nut 00N02201141 tapon fij.amortiguad.gp130 00N06800471 eje biela amortiguador gp130 861244 arandela m12 din 125a 00G01303191 washer 00N00300701 casq.agujas hk2018rs gp130 00N00300871 casq.basculante-biela gp130 00G00300701 casq.agujas hk 2020 2rs Swing Arm - Shock Absorber
Tank Derbi Tank 86117700WR25 fuel tank 86117700WN4 fuel tank 86117702WB25 fuel tank 00N00401051 maintenance 00000004612 screw 6m100x12 00402060001 washer AP8150165 screw 00G01001821 ring nut 00H00403581 silent-block 00000023060 nut 00008063001 tor.c/red.all.6m100x30.d7380zn 00N01500261 arand.fij.tapa dpsto.gp130 861545 pipe fitting 00N00400131 tapon depsto.gasol.gp130 00002053051 screw 00002051251 screw 00H00400781 oil flexible pump tube 00H06101101 spacer (rubber) 86402200WN3 black cover fuel tank 00N01500221 tapa depsto.gasolina gp130 861193 tor.allen din7984 6m100x20/8.8 znb 00N00400801 cto.bomba gasolina gp130 00008061500 screw 861242 casqu.fij.tapas 50cc 00H03710461 tubo 00N00400321 tubo gasolina gp130 00N03800011 cto.radiador c/electrovent.gp130 861178 tor.m6 inox c/abombada mulhacen 00H05002511 ring nut 86293500WNA radiator support 319446 screw 00H01602941 damper AP8520164 pipe 00N03800521 exp.tnk-rad. hose 00H03804091 clip 861157 dpsto.expansor gp130 861158 expansion tank plug 00N03801521 tubo drenaje dpsto.exp.gp130 00N03800021 tubo culata radiador gp130 00N03800041 tubo bomba radiador gp130 00D03400521 clamp, muffler connecting 00N05700551 electric fan Tank
Cdi Magneto Assy Derbi Cdi Magneto Assy 865069 r-rotor mulhacen 659cc e3 862375 rotor AP8520021 stator AP8520254 screw (m6x30) AP8520194 screw AP8520218 washer Cdi Magneto Assy
Electrical System Derbi Electrical System 863788 00N01000301 cto.instal.electrica gp130 864651 fuses 864652 fuses 862572 mat 861170 fuse holder 00000004612 screw 6m100x12 00402060001 washer 865318 battery (yt9b-bs) 862286 lock 00N01600521 cto.tablier gp130 00008063500 screw 00D01500471 spacer 00H00403581 silent-block 00N05900251 cto.kit cerraduras gp130 865403 key blank AP8150169 screw 00H06300791 screw 865070 r-centralita electronica mulh 659cc 862446 cpu motor mulhacen 00N05700141 protector cpu gp130 AP8150165 screw 00N01000311 cto.claxon gp130 00000004810 screw AP8520027 ignition coil 00002052051 screw 00G04401462 clip nuts (m5) 862102 pipa bujia AP8127693 voltage regulator 00H01501701 screw 00000023060 nut 00N02300991 cto.caja diodos gp130 00N05700711 rele faro gp130 847226 washer gasket 00G04401462 clip nuts (m5) 00N01700401 rele intermitt.gp130 AP81129276 relay - starter AP8520151 temp. sensor h2o AP8520153 air temp. sensor 862100 electric sensor 00011032501 screw 3,6x25 AP8520128 neutral indicator switch 862321 anillo torico AP8520249 screw m6x14 862099 pressure sensor 00000004515 screw 00N05700601 switch, side stand 00F00900531 hose clamp 290x4,8 00D00900531 hose clamp 862323 washer 00D01200171 washer 861615 support 862285 buffer 00031105000 washer AP8520152 speed sensor AP8520230 screw m6x14 00N04100911 tubo sensor presion gp130 00H02300961 guard 847181 washer 864653 fuses Electrical System
Number-plate Light Derbi Number-plate Light 00N01000011 headlight 862412 lamp 862414 guard 862413 wire 00H01003131 bulb (12v 5w) 00G02301501 spring 00G04401462 clip nuts (m5) 00H01503701 screw 2B005447 damper 00N01001821 ring nut 254485 clip nuts (m6) 00N00200241 dlnt.dr.gp130 00N00202241 dlnt.iz.gp130 00H01501701 screw 00D01200171 washer 00000023060 nut 00N00201241 sopte.faro dlnt.gp130 00D05910081 screw 00034000802 washer 00N01000821 ring nut 00N01700531 cto.intermitt.dlnt.dr.gp130 00N01701531 cto.intermitt.dlnt.iz.gp130 00232080021 nut 86401800WR2 carcasa faro roj.drag.mul a.nieto 00N015002815 cto.carcasa faro gp130 86401800WN45 carcasa faro 00H00403581 silent-block 00N01000321 cto.faro piloto gp130 00402080001 washer 861242 casqu.fij.tapas 50cc 00N01700191 sopte.intte.tras.gp130 00008061200 screw 6m100x12 00N01700301 cto.intermitt.tras.dr.gp130 00N01700391 cto.intermitt.tras.iz.gp130 00H01702011 lamp 00G04403752 reflector 00031105000 washer 00N05700471 cto.faro ilum.matric.gp130 00G02300581 lampholder 00002052051 screw 862415 spring 00000023050 nut Number-plate Light
Starter Motor Derbi Starter Motor AP8520003 starter motor w/out wiring AP8520201 screw w/ flange m6x35 862152 piÐËn intermedio c/embrague 862195 arandela plana AP8520123 pin AP8520071 intermediate gear AP8520212 washer AP8520073 starter motor gear z=79 AP8520267 cage d30x37x32 AP8520080 clutch, one way AP8520213 washer AP8520233 screw Starter Motor
Special Tools Derbi Special Tools 864966 sliding hammer drive screw 864967 counterweight 864968 crankcase separating tool 864969 valve spring compressor coupling 864970 valve spring compressor 864971 crankshaft installing recipient 864972 crankshaft installing bolt 864973 piston gudgeon pin extractor assy. 864974 magneto extractor 864975 pulley wheel support (tape) 864976 feeler gauge 864977 compression gauge 864978 pocket tester 864979 ignition test light 864980 fuel pressure gauge 864981 digital tester 864982 fuel pressure adaptor 864983 driving shaft bearing fitting device 864984 spring seal fitting device 864985 valve guide extractor 864986 valve guide fitting device 864987 valve guide rectifier 864988 compression gauge adaptor 864989 universal clutch tool 864990 valve grinder 864991 crankshaft fitting adaptor 864992 crankshaft fitting spacer 864993 ignition tester Special Tools
Utiles Derbi Utiles 00N05100121 manual instrucciones gp130 862630 tools kit roll 862588 tools kit roll Utiles

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